I was so privileged to be asked again to coach what I believe is the number one Quarterback Camp in the nation. My good friend, Shawn Watson, the outstanding Offensive Coordinator for the U of Texas who heads up and directs the “64 Elite Quarterback Camp†is one of the finest teachers of offensive football I have known in my life.
Charlie Strong, the Head Coach at Texas allows Shawn to do his thing and the camp turned out to be fabulous experiences for all the kids and many states were represented including 4 QBs from Ohio.
Will Phillis, 2016 QB from Hilliard Bradley high school was a marquee junior and performed very well and proved he was one of the best drop back passer prospects in the country. Sophomore Jake Lewis from Licking Valley HS showed he is going to be a top QB by winning one of the sessions with his accuracy, and two Freshman Mark Waid from Girard High School in the Youngstown area and Lucas Pierce from Newark Catholic High School in Newark, Ohio both performed way past there age groups and proved they could be top varsity QB’s very soon.  Mark is already getting starting snaps with his high school team and he has some D1 WRs also working weekly with me.
I had a awesome time coaching some of the very best high school Qbs for days. We were able to coach every aspect in connection with the Quarterback position and how it affects the game of football. From 7:30 am to 10:30 pm for 3 days we Coached, including class room studies, proper technique, film room discussions, and on the field performance makes this the most complete Quarterback camp. Not an easy schedule for coaches or players, however, the ultimate rewards in our sport are not achieved the wind blowing our way but by the extreme effort put out to do what others will not do.
For all young Quarterbacks with a dream of being the best I would say, do your utmost to get invited to the “University of Texas Elite 64 Quarterback camp.† It is a primary entry to have on your resume. My thanks goes to Shawn Watson, Charlie Strong and the staff at the U of Texas and their incredible hospitality. Coach Sink 740-973-3474