One of my very talented young QBS is Cruz Crum 6’2″ or 6’3″ (the reason I guess is, he is growing so fast I can’t keep up) from Worthington Christian HS in Columbus Ohio. His head coach is a former Steeler Center with great credentials and a awesome career in the league, Jeff Harding. Cruz has been studying under Coach Sink for almost a year already and looks to be one of the top prospects ever, and next year will be his freshman year in HS.
As you can see above, he is standing next to Coach Orgeron, former head coach from LSU. They are standing in the lobby of the hotel where the Baylor U. team stays the night before their games and Coach O was staying there as well. Andrew Crum, Cruz’ Dad graduated from Baylor and took his whole family down to see the great game between the Baylor Bears and the Texas Longhorns.
The real reason Cruz is so impressed with Coach O is because he was the head coach for Joey B, and that is Cruz’ favorite QB. A QB that is a roll model for most all my QBS. Thanks Joe Burrow for being not only a great NFL QB but being the kind of man to follow.
Remember this kids name everyone, I think there is going to be a huge future of success on the football field as a QB but also in Life. CRUZ CRUM !!! Not to worry, he just took care of a minor growth problem in the knee and will be back training in a couple months.