It was tough, and I mean tough to narrow down to the best 2 WRS in Coach Sink’s All State QB, WR, DB Showcase last Saturday. So, what Coach Zack Yousey and Coach Micah Lowe did was to select their best 2 and bring up 2 more to be reserve MVPS. We have never done this before but it was so close and all four of these guys were so good, I was glad the coaches did this.
Our top two were Duncan Bradley from Springfield HS in Springfield Ohio and coached by an outstanding High School coach, Maurice Douglas. Duncan is fast and quick and ran extremely detailed routes and certainly deserved the MVP. As did, Isaiah Kay Johnson from Cooper high School in Union County, Kentucky. Isaiah who played last year with a QB that was also one of our QB MVPS, Cameron O’Hara and we all should have been around for some of those connections as Isaiah is a big, fast target who can catch any ball in his vicinity. Congrat’s to both of these guys, Isaiah Kay Johnson and Duncan Bradley on being our WR MVPS.
As you can see the duress on the faces of Coaches Zack and Micah as they ponder the choices for MVP of their division. They just couldn’t help themselves, so they brought up two more guys that were also big-time performers at the Showcase. Congrat’s to them for being right there in the final four. They are Dublin Jerome High School’s big, strong, and fast WR, #29 Zach Thomas and from the State Champ’s of Indiana football team Center Grove HS in Greewood, came #23 Noah Coy who played last year with one of the great QBS in the Midwest, Tyler Cherry. You will hear more about him tomorrow on this site.
You College coaches that watched the camp via live stream would do yourselves a big favor by offering any or all of these kids as they can Play! Great job by our coaches and great job by all the WRS who came to compete because it made our Coach Sink’s All-State QB, WR, & DB Showcase a fun event as they went up against some of the best DBS in the Midwest.