Judah Holtzclaw my class of 2021, 6’5†218 lbs.  QB at Westerville Central HS in Westerville, Ohio, has the Warhawks continuing to climb in  the State of Ohio rankings every week and Judah has pulled his Warhawks into the number 7 spot in D1 football  for this week.  Mentor, Lakewood St. Edward, Cleveland St. Ignatius, Cincinnati St. Xavier, Fairfield, and Cincinnati Elder, are the only ones ahead of them and that is a list of perennial powers in Ohio. This leaves Coach Morrison’s  Warhawks as the number one team in Central Ohio for the time being.
Judah and his power group on offense of Rickey Hyatt RB, Luke Swaney WR, Myles Williamson WR, and normally but this week out with an injury, Stephen Hartley WR, put on a show fast and early grabbing a 21 to 0 half time lead over Gahanna HS Friday.  In doing so, Judah hit for another 3 TDS passing and 1 Rushing, and ran up another 230 yards firing rockets with 23 attempts and 17 completions. I have not said so, as we are basically an offense oriented site, but there is nothing wrong with the defense at Central either. Lead by their incredible middle linebacker, Zeke Healey and a very stiff defensive line and ad Rickey Hyatt and Myles Williamson to the mix and you have some sleepless nights for offensive coordinators from all the schools on Centrals schedule.
I have not done Judah Holtzclaw’s QB rating this week but with those numbers I am sure it has not gone down and so we will go with and incredible 131 QB rating for the year. Great job and all I can say is keep driving yourselves to get better every day and then there will not be any letdown.  Great season so far for Judah Holtzclaw and the Westerville Central Warhawks 5-0.