What a great time we had going to a new session in Union Ky a beautiful suburb of Cincinnati in Northern Kentucky with 2 of our MVPs from our Coach Sink All-State QB Camp this year. Cam O’Hara 6’3″ 185 lbs. was one of our QBS to win this prestigious award and do so as a rising Sophomore shows exactly how much talent this young man has. He is big and strong for his age and throws with a lot of power and he proved Sunday to me he was certainly worthy of the award. That being said like all young QBS, Cam needs work on his pocket presence and his footwork but nothing that cannot be accomplished over the next year and potentially make him a 4- or 5-star recruit and be one of the top US recruits at the QB position by the time he is a Junior. Cam already has a few offers at Miami of Ohio, Austin Peay, and Tennessee State, however, if he continues on course, he will see many more and be able to choose the right one for his future.
Cam is also blessed with some serious talent at the WR position and the first one I should mention was another of our MVPS of our camp and that was Isaiah Johnson 6’2″ speedster who runs exacting routes and can catch anything thrown to him. By the way, Isaiah wrote me a fabulous email describing himself and what he had accomplished last year and it got him an invitation to our camp. We sure were pleased with his performance when he got there. I was also impressed with “Jo Jo” Pouncey and his brother Jakare Pouncey and Elijah Laurent all 2025 recruits. Then, if this is not enough, Cam brought 2 2026 recruits to the party and they are future stars for Head Coach Randy Borchers at Cooper HS and they are Ryker Cambell and Xavier Barber.
After 1 &1/2 hours of work I was asked by Cam’s Mom Suzy, if I wanted to work somemore and I said sure if the guys do. Everyone jumped in their cars and headed to a very nice turf field where the boys had played Jr. High football and we continued on for another hour. I am not sure who had more fun, Me our them. I think we all did!! What a great group of kids that are serious about being great players and for me that is always the dream come true for this coach. Thanks guys Coach Sink
Pictured above are L to R: Xavier, Jakare, Elijah, Coach Sink, Cam, Jo Jo, and Ryker
Jojo Pouncy is actually class of 2027
Sorry about that I will correct. Enjoyed working him.