My Big 6’6†220 Lbs. QB went 6 of 8 for 87 yards and rushed 4 times for 85 yardsand 2 TDS and of course was player of the game again. Just for a little trivia question and answer, yes it was Judah’s all time longest run and the yardage was more than Judah had all year last year. Above that his throwing was magnificent finding  Luke Swaney with a missile fade for a TD and Tommy O’Halloran with 2 great catches and Jason Roberts  with absolute rockets,  and it didn’t matter if he was in the pocket or on the run the balls he threw were Pro style all the way. I must give credit to his fine running back Michael Ross who is a Junior and an outstanding talent, too. Look out for the Warhawks as they seem to be hitting their stride just at the right time.
Watch Judah’s Highlights: http://www.hudl.com/v/2E9Put