Judah Holtzclaw 6’6†227 lbs. QB Westerville Central HS, took a huge step forward this past weekend in Atlanta, Ga.  Saturday, we arrived at the beautiful Carrolton HS football complex in Carrolton Ga. For the site of the prestigious Brian Stumpf run ESPN Elite 11 QB Camp after a uneventful, but fun trip down I 75 on Friday.  Seeing this was Judah’s first Elite 11 (most of the competitors, it was their second or third year of participation and some, multi-camps per year), He started a little slow and tried to get the feel of the camp. He did compete well on all of the combine items but just wasn’t quite up to par on his throwing.
At a break about half way through the camp, Coach Sink, said to Judah, “Why don’t you separate your feet a little more, stand up tall, step into your throw, load and fire the ball like you know you can, and see what happens?  Get a little mad at yourself! “   BOOM !!  As they often say, “The rest was historyâ€. Judah Holtzclaw became the QB we all knew he is and as the camp went to routes on air, there was no better QB in the camp then our big powerful Central Ohio Man. You Must Watch This! : https://share.icloud.com/photos/0prD2O-c5jCWokZq2N1eY8d4g  Over 4,500 views in one day !!
We always hesitate on this site to over brag on one of our guys, so we will let the writer from Sports Illustrated All-American, John Garcia do it for us. After selecting what he thought was the best  QBS in the camp of about 70 QBS from all over the USA, here is what he wrote about Judah, (#6 on his list in the article).  Judah Holtzclaw -” The Ohioan is a pure pocket passer with good fundamentals and feel for making plays short and long. He showcased some of the top anticipatory skills among seniors in the group, releasing the football well before targets were into their final break. With great touch to pair, there is a solid foundation in Holtzclaw’s game.”
Sunday morning was up early and out the door to be at the awesome campus of Georgia Tech in downtown Atlanta. We were greeted by two sharp graduates and they showed us around and took us to the office of Dave Patenaude the offensive Coordinator and QB Coach for The Yellow Jackets.  What an outstanding man and great presentation of the program and the offense he made to all of us.  Judah, Ray, Sharmin and Coach Sink were all very impressed by this fine coach. Pictured above is Coach Patenaude, Judah, and Coach Sink.
Then it was off to the rest of the facilities, including the beautiful locker room, stadium and indoor and outdoor facilities at this great ACC conference school. This portion was directed by Rob, our guide and former DE, and Joe Battaglia, the offensive football analyst and assistant to Dave Patenaude.   Joe is a young energetic coach with a bright future in the game.
I think Georgia Tech is high on Judah’s list of schools where he might end up. A superb weekend for my talented QB Judah Holtzclaw.