I Just returned from Lima Ohio at Lima Shawnee HS last night and got this wonderful picture from the work out in 40 degree weather on a field that was less than ideal due to the snow just melting the day before. It was brisk and raining part of the session but these guys are never not ready to go. Indoors or outdoors in any kind of weather in doesn’t matter to them. I often give my guys the opportunity to cancel if the conditions are not right as I like to see the answer I get. The ones who are serious are usually ready to go no matter what the conditions. It is one way to measure the intestinal fortitude of players. J
I would like to give you all the names of the players but I don’t know all of them, but will give you what I have. Left to right, is Kane, then Zack Yousey who has just graduated from the University of Toledo and is preparing for a go at the NFL. Next, Coach Sink, and then Johnny Caprella my outstanding young QB who had basketball practice one hour after we finished, then Sophomore WR Kristen Dawson, then one of the Big Boys from the offensive line and two young aspiring lineman. Not pictured was Christian Ford the speedster WR that will be a Senior next year and a current Senior WR/RB Javion Daniels, who is another one of my kids heading to college to play football at Olivet Nazarene U. in Kankakee, Illinois. The reason these two missed the picture, they had to leave the workout a little early to go directly to track practice.
If anyone gets the idea this is easy, IT ISNâ€T !! However, easy is usually not very rewarding but we all know this. So, toughness, is born of facing all kinds of adversity but keeping on, setting your eyes on the goal that is before you and making NO EXC– USES, pressing through all obstacles and bad weather and yes some pain to achieve what you started this journey for, and that is Greatness. It comes in various levels, but those who know they paid the price are the ones who love the journey. John Caprella senior, captured this picture as he said, “This is what it takes to be a great football team next year.†I, for one, Know he is right.