What a year for my Sensational Junior QB from Girard HS in Girard Ohio. Mark Waid deserves everything he is accomplishing this year as he is not only a top talent but also a hard worker and has his priorities in order.  Mark threw for 416 yards a new single game record for Girard HS on 14 of 24 and 6 TDS and another big win for his Girard Indians 66 to 6 over Newton Falls. Now that is outstanding performance until you consider he did not play in the second half.
Just think if he would have played the whole game?
Mark threw two of the those TDs to Michael Belcik his favorite receiver and one went for 58 yards and the other 80.   Michael ended up with an awesome night himself by putting up 201 yards of receptions which included these two big ones. The other four were spread around to 4 more of Marky’s receivers, a 76 yarder to Devin Wilson, a 58 yarder to Nick Malito, a 5 yarder to Morgan Clardy and a 3 yarder to Jamil Bannister.  Mark has Coach Pearson’s boys playing on all cylinders and has them in the number 10 spot in the state of Ohio in Division IV.  We look forward to seeing what these Indians can do in the playoffs which are only 3 weeks away.
Congratulations Mark on being the Single game record holder for passing in Girard High Schoolhistory.  Congratulations on being my kind of Character QB.
Mark Waid what an Indian!!!