Well, I said in an article last week that Will Phillis is the king of comeback’s and late night victories. You guessed it, he did it again against the #8 team in State of Ohio. With the score tied 10 to 10 at the end of the 3rd Quarter, Will decided that the Hilliard Bradley Jaguars were going to end the season on a high note and they did. Beating Hilliard Darby 24 to 10.
In the 4th quarter Will sent his favorite receiver on a deep post and connect with Kory Taylor, the 6’4†sophomore standout wide out and with outstretched hands over the top, he hauled it in and took it to the house making it 17 to 10, Bradley. Now, if you know Will like I do, he wanted to make certain there was no doubt about the outcome of this game. So just for good measure he did it again and with the same results. Hitting Kory again with the deep ball, Will and Kory put the game out of reach for Darby and ended the season with the victory by 14 points. Another stellar performance by Will late in a game.
If this is not enough, he has played the last four games with the equivalent of a boot and tape on his left ankle. Only missing one game and the 2nd half of the game of the injury, shows how determined this young man is, and lets you know how Bradley has won a majority of their games.
Wills stats for the year and this includes only 9 games. He has thrown for 2009 passing yards , scored 19 passing Touchdowns which averages 223 yards per game. A completion average of 62% which is remarkable after being under much pressure for the year.
The respect I have gained over watching this young man perform under adversity of all kinds including the loss of his Mother Jill to cancer, in December of his Freshman year. Also, having to move in order for his Dad to receive help from his family (as he travels a great deal) and joining a new school for his Junior year and continues with a 3. 7 + GPA, and has the ability to graduate in December and be enrolled in College by Jan, 2017, is why I call him Phenomenal Will Phillis. I tell all of my young students, “Adversity Breeds Greatness†, and in Will’s case, he is the epitome of the statement.
Will is visiting 2 major D1 programs this week and we will be throwing for several major colleges in December where the guys can see Will throw up close. Will is destined to greatness if he keeps making good decisions like is he now. I am So proud of Will and here is his 2016 highlight video!!!