Freshman Matt Carlisle at Youngstown State is the tenacious work-a-holic type person that always comes out on...
This is the article posted by Gavin Oliver – Staff Writer for The Clemson Insider. Clemson recently...
So proud of my C/O 2022 6’6†235lb QB from Bishop Sycamore. He is exactly what Jacob...
Judah Holtzclaw, my 2022 6’6†225 lbs QB now playing for Bishop Sycamour Academy, get’s another big...
This is a small segment of a daily routine for our 2022 QB, playing for Bishop Sycamore...
Judah Holtzclaw, C/O ‘22 6’6†QB  and Cardale Jones got together today and had some real fun working...
We (Coach Sink , Paul Kilzer, Judah Holtzclaw, Antoine Taylor) had a great time Coaching Greg Brookey’s...
I Just finished coaching one of the best camps in the US for recruiting, the Best of...
Last Sunday night at 6 pm, (yes that’s right)  the night of the Super Bowl we had...
Pictured above is the shot of the beautiful ring  Judah Holtzclaw my 6’6†225 lb QB from...