Blake Horvath Navy, #1 QB rating in the Nation

Blake Horvath and the mighty Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy took down the Tigers of the university of Memphis 56 to 44 in fine fashion on the running and throwing of Horvath. This won him CFN’s Player of the week, plus gave him the #1 spot for QB Rating (95.2) in all of College Football. His performance was spectacular with 6 total TDS, 4 of those rushing for 211 yards and 2 passing for 192 yards, For a total of 416 yards.

Matt Leinhart who rates the top 23 each week had Blake #2 in total yards behind Alonzo Barnett III who had 1 more TD.

Watching the game was a special treat for anyone who likes speed in their QBS. Blake Horvath was blazing up and down the field like he was sprinting 100 yard dashes for the fun of it. At one point the announcer said I wonder how fast Horvath is? The color man answered, “well, after he gets a head of them there sure isn’t anybody from Memphis that can catch him.” These were not short runs, one of which was 68 yarder untouched into the endzone. Then on the next series he might just set up in the pocket and with perfect technique (Wide base, shoulder in, eyes down field) deliver a rocket 45to 50, hitting his receiver in full stride for a Big TD.

So proud of Blake Horvath, and I think he might be just getting started. Coach Sink, Blakes private QB coach.