Evan Unruh my Freshman star QB at Elida HS in Elida Ohio (a Lima Ohio Suburb) was rated this week in the State of Ohio as making the #1 longest pass for a TD.  This award is chosen by hudl.com the excellent video film source for HS and Colleges in reporting their games.  Evan, the dual threat QB firecracker has been setting all kinds of records this year for his play on the field at Elida, not only threw this TD pass of 85 yards, but also threw TD passes of 73 and 64 yards as well. He threw the #1 shot to Arzaia Little, one of his favorite targets and a very talented WR, who is also a Coach Sink session regular.
For those of you who visit this site often, you will be the only ones that know, this past week we had to work in the HS gym at Elida due to the weather and late night time. You see, throwing the ball deep is all about, just throwing it right, and I have never had a Freshman QB who improved more quickly than Evan.  The last session he was throwing rockets and throwing it with very good technique and his WRS were loving it too. I am so proud of this young man and he has just opened the first page to a big book soon to be filled with records for Elida.   “Hey Evan, let’s keep working in that gym of yours, it gets you throwing the ball long!â€Â Just watch his throw and the others in the top 5 here: . http://www.hudl.com/v/2AkXpQ